Gravity Forms Advanced E-mail Routing

Plugin details

Notify post authors or even create your own set of rules by the location where the form is placed. One form to rule all posts, pages, events or post types.

Choose your license

All licenses include 1 year usage, updates & support


How does it work?

Notify post authors or even create your own set of rules by the location where the form is placed. One form to rule all posts, pages, events or post types.

Ever seen yourself copy-pasting forms over and over for different receivers?

With the Gravity Forms Advanced E-mail Routing plugin you can notify the post author based on the location of the form. With a custom filter, you can even change the e-mail address based on external data like ACF fields or related custom post types!

The plugin is plug-and-play. The only plugin you need Is Gravity Forms. Once you’ve installed and activated the plugin you can create a new notification and add {post_author} to the receiver’s e-mailadres. Once you’ve added this, the plugin is all set and go. Just ad a form to a specific post type and you are ready to go!

Custom filter to change e-mailadres

If you run for example a event based website and you would like to change the e-mailadres receiver based on the post type you can easily use the following custom snippet

  add_filter('gfaer_custom_post_author_email', function($email, $form, $entry, \WP_Post $post) {

//Magic happens here!

            return $email;
        }, 10, 4);

If you run custom post types or a forum with multiple users. Add a specific form to the page and once a user fills the form, the post author is automatically notified.

Install and activate

After you’ve purchased a valid license you can directly download and install the plugin. Go to Forms -> Settings -> E-mail routing and fill in the license key you’ve received. You are now ready to go to step 1

ADD Notification

Go to the specific form, click on Settings -> Notifications -> Add new notification. Fill {post_author} at the Receiver field. Once a form is now submitted on a specific page, the post author is automatically notified!

Frequently Asked Questions